woman standing by the seawith hair blowing in the strong wind

Wind gusts of up to 60mph on the Isle of Wight expected all day

There is a Met Office weather warning for strong winds on the Isle of Wight today – in case you hadn’t noticed that it’s blowing a hoolie out there.

To join the Coastal Flood Alert, the Met Office warning is valid until 6pm today and reads:

Strong winds on Friday are expected to lead to some travel disruption and perhaps some temporary power disruption

What to expect

  • Some delays to road, rail, air and ferry transport are likely
  • Probably some bus and train services affected, with some journeys taking longer
  • Delays for high-sided vehicles on exposed routes and bridges likely
  • Some short term loss of power and other services is possible
  • It’s likely that some coastal routes, sea fronts and coastal communities are affected by spray and/or large waves
  • Some damage to trees with debris on roads are possible given the time of year

Strong southwesterly winds are expected to develop across much of England, Wales and southern Scotland during Friday.

Wind gusts of 45-50 mph are expected fairly widely inland with gusts of 55-60 mph possible around coasts and over hills. Winds are then expected to gradually ease during late afternoon and evening.

Follow any updates by visiting the Met Office weather warnings page.

Image: lattefarsan under CC BY 2.0