Father holding two daughters, all three of them dressed as superheroes

World Environment Day: Embrace the 3Rs with Isle of Wight council’s new initiative – Become a ‘Recycling Superhero’

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Today (5th June) is World Environment Day .  

Will you continue to be a reduce, reuse, recycle force for good and make a difference to our planet?    

Recycling superheroes
That’s the message behind the Isle of Wight Council’s recycling superhero campaign launching today. 

The Isle of Wight is already an island of recyclers, but reducing waste is an important way to help protect the environment. You can reduce waste by buying less and only what you need, avoiding single-use items, and using refillable containers. 

Practice the 3Rs — reduce, reuse, and recycle
Reusing items is also important and can be done by donating good but used items or finding creative ways to repurpose them.  

Finally, recycling can help reduce waste by separating materials into categories that can be reused or repurposed. By practicing the 3Rs — reduce, reuse, and recycle — we can all help make the world a healthier and greener place. 

Visit your school or group
Did you know that we can visit local schools and community groups such as scouts, brownies and local WI groups to give a presentation about all things recycling and waste?  

We also run a Community Waste Forum where you can keep up to date with the latest development in waste and recycling on the Island.  

If you would be interested in either of these, please contact: [email protected] for more information. 

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed