Youth Service Restructure Plans Go To Delegated Decision

Cllr Barry Abraham will be making a decision on the final restructure plans for the Isle of Wight Youth Services. This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Final plans to restructure the Isle of Wight’s Youth Service have been released.

The proposals, which seek to encourage more young people to use the service, are outlined in a delegated decision paper released today (6 January).

Currently only 13 percent of 13-19 year olds on the Island make use of the current provision. The new proposals intend to drive up the number of young people making using the service to 20 per cent by 2014.

Key to the restructuring will be targeting resources on providing year-round services and activities – including during summer holidays when services have traditionally closed – rather than maintaining expensive, out-dated and underused buildings.

There will also be more emphasis on outreach work and under the proposals the new staffing structure will offer more opportunity for staff to have contracts for longer hours, or full time. At present approximately a quarter of the workforce works for just under four hours a week.

Modernising the service, which would be overseen by a new youth and community services manager, will also save council tax payers £128,000 next financial year.

Explaining the need for restructure, Ian Anderson, Isle of Wight Council director for community wellbeing and social care, said. “The service currently runs over budget and employs too many people for too great a range of working hours in buildings which it does not fully use and which it cannot afford to maintain properly.

“The updated youth service will work with town and parish councils to find spaces in some local buildings to operate youth work sessions rather than maintain large old buildings which are increasingly difficult to run and which are no longer fit for purpose.

“The service will also target young people in rural areas through the use of mobile youth provision to take youth services to areas where public transport makes it difficult for young people to access activities.”

The plans have been drawn up following consultations the latest of which was held between June and September last year.