Youth Voice Conference Attendees Group Photo

Youth Voice Conference empowers Isle of Wight young people to share their perspectives

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Over 35 young people from across the Isle of Wight participated in a dynamic and engaging Youth Voice Conference held at Newport Minster, designed to amplify their voices and address key issues facing their generation.

The event, supported by the High Sheriff, Graham Biss, and hosted by Richard Quigley MP and Joe Robertson MP, featured a packed agenda of interactive sessions and discussions, providing a platform for young people aged 13-24 to share their perspectives and shape the future of their community.

The day commenced with four interactive bases located at key Newport venues: Newport Minster, The Youth Hub, Newport Youth Cafe, and Independent Arts. Each base offered unique opportunities for engagement:

  • Newport Minster: Led by Community Engagement Officer Hannah Griffiths, focused on understanding barriers to access, desired events, and effective advertising strategies.
  • The Youth Hub: Facilitated by Employment Coordinator Matthew Hall, provided insights into support services, future aspirations, and youth trust development.
  • Newport Youth Cafe: Run by Pete Luther of Revive Newport, highlighted support services and offered recreational activities like pool, table tennis, and PS4.
  • Independent Arts: Led by Community Development Manager Matt Hitt, explored creative projects and gathered feedback on a six-point plan addressing key issues such as employment, mental health, and transport.

Marketplace of Opportunities
A vibrant Marketplace of Opportunities featured over 20 organisations, including MHST, Isle of Wight Council, Wightlink, and Kooth, showcasing available resources and support.

Six youth providers, including Isle of Wight College, Breakout Youth, and Fire Cadets, signed up their young people to attend.

In the afternoon, participants engaged in two thought-provoking discussion topics: “Your Voice, Your Island” and “Build a Charity.” “Your Voice, Your Island” challenged participants to act as the new Island Council, identifying key challenges and proposing solutions. “Build a Charity” encouraged them to design a youth-focused charity of the future.

Richard Quigley MP and Joe Robertson MP hosted a lively Q&A session, addressing the concerns and questions of the young attendees.

Feedback from young people
Feedback from the young people was overwhelmingly positive, with favourite parts of the day including the afternoon discussions, MP Q&A, interactive bases, networking, and hearing other young people’s viewpoints.

Key words used to describe the day included “informative,” “fun,” “interesting,” “collaborative,” “youth voice,” “eye-opening,” “engaging,” and “being heard.”

One young person commented,

“My favourite part of the day was to be able to hear the concerns that other young people, especially in my age group, were concerned with and how they think we should fix said things.”

Others stated,

“I was able to learn about what the MP’s plans were towards issues that are of concern to young people.”

“Learnt about new resources on the island to support young people, including places in Newport.”

Lawton: The feedback provided is amazing
Victoria Lawton, Youth Engagement Officer, expressed her gratitude,

“A massive thank you to the young people, both MP’s, the High Sheriff, the base leaders, and all the organisations that attended the Youth Voice Conference.

“I’m incredibly proud to see so many young people actively engaging, sharing their ideas, and shaping the future.

“The feedback you have provided is amazing, and I hope you enjoyed the day. Your voices matter, and your involvement is a powerful step towards creating positive change.”

The event was made possible by the support of Newport Minster, with Hannah Griffiths, Community Engagement Coordinator, playing a crucial role in its success. Eight staff and three volunteers from the Youth Trust supported the running of the event.

News shared by Darran on behalf of Isle of Wight Youth Trust. Ed