Cowes Enterprise College: Interim executive principal praised for effective leadership by Ofsted

Thanks to Cowes Enterprise College for sharing this latest news with OnTheWight readers. Ed

Cowes Enterprise College is going from strength to strength and is now firmly fixed on a path to realise the aspiration of being an outstanding college in the future.

Christine HardmanTeaching is one of the most demanding and yet rewarding of all the professions and there was recognition from the OFTSED monitoring visit that Cowes Enterprise College is striving to ensure that all students fulfil their potential by ensuring that the quality of leadership and teaching is effective.

In the feedback letter, the inspector reports,

“The interim executive principal is ambitious in her desire to drive rapid improvement in the college and is providing clear and effective leadership. She is being well supported by senior leaders and has won the confidence and commitment of staff. Senior leaders are very clear about the strengths of the college and the weaknesses that still need to be addressed.”

The monitoring visit also confirmed that,

“The academic targets set for students are more challenging and this is helping to raise aspirations in the college.”

Although OFSTED do not report on the statistics related to the quality of teaching and learning, the college knows that the majority of lessons were judged to be good or better and the report says,

”Where teaching has the greatest impact on learning, the planned work meets the needs of all students well and quickly engages their interest. Students understand what they are required to do and lessons proceed at a good pace.”

Striving to achieve greatness means that Governors have to be effective in their role and the inspector confirmed,

“The governing body demonstrates a strong commitment to improvement. The implementation and impact of the college improvement plan are monitored well and governors provide a good level of challenge and support to senior leaders. Governors have developed sensible plans to secure the long-term stability in senior leadership as the college moves to academy status.”

The Interim Executive Principal, Christine Hardman said,

“The future looks very ‘rosy for Cowes Enterprise College as a result of a good OFSTED monitoring visit; plans set to move into the new build from September; great results expected this summer and the positive move towards academy status.

“Of course, we must continue to keep our feet firmly on the ground as there is still much to do. After a cup of tea and a kitkat to celebrate, it’s back to the grindstone for us!”

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