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Can you help Danish relatives in search of Colin from Cowes?

OnTheWight often receives contact from long lost relatives of Islanders from around the world.

The most recent correspondence is from Bente Dalsbak who lives in Denmark.

Bente, who is a writer and columnist, is researching on behalf of her father – but also for herself and a possible book about her grandmother on her father’s side.

Her grandmother moved to the UK in the 1950s, but her father, growing up with his grandparents, lost contact with her when he was around 15.

Cowes connection?
Bente has recently discovered that her grandmother has passed away, but was once married to a Colin R Fisher – a merchant seaman, whom she lived with in London.

She says,

“I have been trying to find out more about Mr Fisher – whom my father met once they visited Copenhagen and talks very positive about.

“I think, through extensive research that the Colin Fisher in Oxford Street, Cowes married to Mrs Clisby A Fisher, could perhaps be that Colin Fisher. But I am not at all sure.

“I haven’t been able to find out if he has passed away and, but if not – the ‘right’ Colin Fisher must today be very old.”

Bente goes on to say,

“I don’t even know if Mr Fisher would like to have contact. I could write a letter – but since my parents are planning a trip to London in August to see the house my father’s mother lived in (that I found) – I do not want to send them off to London without having tried to find out if the Colin R Fisher in Oxford Street, Cowes is my grandmother’s former husband.”

Does anyone know Mr Fisher?
This is where OnTheWight readers come in. Does anyone know Mr Fisher who lives in Oxford Street in Cowes?

Bente says she’s sure that her parents would want to pay him a visit if he’s open to it, but she needs to make contact first.

Her father would really like to know more about his mother – and the man she married.

If you can help please get in touch and let us know.

Image: Thomas Holsen under CC BY 2.0