school children writing

School holiday fines: Councillors call for public consultation on term times

Education Spokesman for Isle of Wight Conservative councillor, Chris Whitehouse, shares this latest news. Ed

Conservative councillors are calling for a consultation with Island head-teachers and parents as part of review of School Term Times as a potential solution to the recent problems created when a local resident took his children out of school in term time leading to the Independent Administration taking the matter to the High Court and losing the case at considerable expense to local council-tax-payers.

Conservative Group Leader Councillor Dave Stewart says:

“This ill-advised court action has ignited the debate on school attendance and we need to find a solution. Being an Island relying on the tourist industry means many parents must work during the peak holiday season and indeed many of our services such as the police and NHS need to be available for the same reason.

“So there is a debate to be had about reviewing our school terms on the Island so everyone can benefit from the option of holidays outside the peak periods. We need to consult with head teachers and with parents to find the best way forward.”

The Conservative Group of Councillors believe this could be a positive step forward and help to address the current level of confusion created by the Independent Administration due to the lack of resolution of the matter at the High Court.

A cross party group at the Isle of Wight Council intend to bring this forward as part of a motion to the next Full Council.

Image: tabor-roeder under CC BY 2.0