Ryde Harbour boat fire: Council update

The council share this latest update. Thanks to Richard Manser from SafeSite IOW for the photo. Ed

Following the boat fire in Ryde Harbour yesterday (9 August 2017), the Isle of Wight Council is continuing to work with partners and the boat owner to recover the boat from the harbour as quickly and safely as possible.

The council has deployed a ‘working boat’ to the harbour this morning (10 August) to clear away any loose floating debris that remains. Until the boat is recovered, the council’s harbour master will be working with users of the harbour to ensure their safety is maintained and that the harbour can be quickly brought back into use during this busy summer holiday period.

An Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service spokesman, said:

“We believe that most of the diesel fuel that escaped from the vessel was burnt off, and therefore, the risk of marine pollution is minimal.”

As a precaution against a possible pollution event, absorbent material was wrapped around the vessel to capture any further diesel that may have been released.

The pontoon adjacent to the fire has been badly damaged, so will need to be replaced, which will restrict capacity within the harbour in the short term. The council is currently seeking quotes and checking with insurance providers about when this can be undertaken.

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