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Isle of Wight council set out arrangements for All Saints’ and Yarmouth schools

The Isle of Wight Council is seeking to clarify any confusion that might exist regarding future admission arrangements for pupils currently attending All Saints’ Primary School, and for those families that may of applied for a Reception class place at the school from September 2020.

At this stage it is important that there is clarity on what the admissions requirements will be for September 2020 in relation to West Wight School places.

What will happen
Detail of these arrangements are provided below.

The council will invite parents of children currently at All Saints’ CE Primary School to express a preference for the school they would like their child to attend next year.

The council is now working closely with governors and senior leaders at Yarmouth CE Primary School to manage the admissions process of the children currently attending All Saints’ CE Primary who wish to attend Yarmouth CE Primary from the start of the 2020/2021 academic year.

Child due to start in Reception in September 2020
Applications for Reception class at Yarmouth CE Primary School for September 2020 are dealt with through the normal admissions process, this closed at midnight on 15 January.

Any parents having put All Saints’ CE Primary School as their first preference will be contacted to ask if they wish to revise their application. Their application will still be handled alongside on-time applications.

Admissions process for families currently on roll at All Saints’ CE Primary School

Current pupils
Families of children currently on roll at All Saints’ Primary School must have an opportunity to determine which school their child attends next year.

All families of children on roll at All Saints’ will be invited to make an application, expressing three preferences, at the beginning of the week commencing 1 June 2020.

Applications will need to be made by midnight on 11 June 2020.

In the week commencing 29 June 2020, we will write to parents advising them of the outcome of their application.

Other allocations
Families who do not apply in the June process for their child(ren) will be allocated a place at a school with availability. Parents can make applications before June; however, that would require their child to make an immediate start in a school that offers a place.

Although Yarmouth will not be increasing its published admissions number (PAN), it can admit ‘over its PAN’ and take additional children following due process.

The school and the council will discuss the practical implications of extra children being admitted to the school; details will be communicated to all stakeholders as soon as they can be.

• A meeting for parents will be arranged at All Saints’ in the coming weeks when the above will be explained in full and any questions and concerns parents have can asked and answers provided.

News shared by Isle of Wight council, in their own words. Ed

Image: fredcintra under CC BY 2.0

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