Collage of Ian Dore at VOS event

A wealth of help and advice on offer for Isle of Wight Veterans

Last week Veterans Outreach Support (VOS) held a drop-in session at the Riverside Centre in Newport, supporting Island Veterans and their families.

Armed Forces Champion, Cllr Ian Dore, attended to support the event and spoke to those involved. He shares this account of the session. Ed

It was encouraging to see so many in attendance, with a wealth of help and advice available. The VOS team were triaging from the outset with a very focused team of volunteers.

‘Working Towards Well Being’
There were several agencies present and I spoke to Whitney from the NHS who was representing ‘Working Towards Well Being’. They support those with mental ill health, assisting them back into work and retaining their current employment.

They also help with finding new employment. An essential service in my eyes.

Footprint Trust
Another stand that stood out for me was the Footprint Trust.

Ray and his team are dedicated and steadfast on the Island and here they were, advising on how to reduce energy bills and sign posting towards initiatives, designed to provide home improvements for those that need them the most.

Forgotten Veterans
Across the room from them was Martin on the Forgotten Veterans stand. As well as other things, they provide a ‘Buddy Scheme’ so it’s something that military personnel will be familiar with.

Forgotten Veterans Stand

It’s there to support referrals and assess support needs. They also offer a totally free residential stay at ‘The Basha Retreat’, to ex forces personal. Another fine inclusion to the drop-in session.

Share confidential feedback
I’d be interested to speak, (confidentially of course), to any of the participants that have used these services.

Primarily to get feedback and how the various pathways have worked for them, or more importantly; how they can be improved if they haven’t. I can then feed that back acting act as a ‘middleman’, if the individual in question doesn’t feel comfortable doing so themselves.

Open lines of communication and engagement
The goal clearly is success and satisfaction which means open lines of communication and engagement.

These drop-ins are an asset to the Island and offer great benefit to Veterans and their families, it’s good to see them back on a regular basis and are well worth attending.

Where and when
The meetings are on the third Wednesday of every month, midday to 1600hrs at the Riverside Centre.

Free parking and a nice friendly vibe. More can be found via their Website.