Practitioners are supportive of the assessment because it helps teachers plan the next stage for that child, but figures for 2016-2017 show Isle of Wight children are behind the national average in some development levels by the time they leave reception class.
A Crowdfunding campaign has been set up to help complete fencing to keep the vandals from driving over the youth pitches causing damage. This is the third time since Christmas the damage has been caused.
Cllr Ian Ward, who receives an additional £7k+ a year as the Isle of Wight council Cabinet member and whose responsibilities specifically include the floating bridge, was unable to answer basic questions about the replacement service. Full details of the interview within.
The generous donation from Hose Rhodes Dickson goes a long way to helping Freshwater Parish Council match the funding they have dedicated to the project
Residents in East Cowes want to know when something will be done about the weekly problem of lorries getting stuck on the junction by the Cowes Floating Bridge.
Cllr Dore served with Royal Corps of Signals with Operational tours including the first Gulf War and Northern Ireland and received the hugely coveted 'Soldier of the Year' award