Ability Dogs 4 Young People: New Island Charity

Thanks to Carol for sharing details of this great new charity on the Isle of Wight. Ed

Ella:Ability Dogs 4 Young People, a newly formed charity, is training assistance dogs for young disabled people here on the Island.

As these young people (aged 16-24) start their journey into adult life and look to increase their independence by going to college or work, our highly trained assistance dogs will provide practical help with tasks like picking up dropped items and opening doors.

Increasing confidence in young disabled people
With a jacketed assistance dog by their side, they will have more confidence to go out on their own and, as importantly, more people will come and talk to them (about their dog).

Training a puppy to be an assistance dog takes two years with a lot of dedication. We place specially selected Labrador puppies with volunteer puppy parents, who care for the puppies in their own homes, fully socialise them and start their initial training.

Fully funded
With the help of our puppy trainers, their training continues through to assistance dog level by about two years when they will each be placed with a disabled young person. The disabled young people will be supported every step of the way.

We are aiming to fully fund the dogs (pay for food, equipment and vet bills) throughout their working lives, so we can give the young people all the benefits without an added financial burden.

Georgie first puppy in training
It costs about £5,000 to train each puppy, and having raised our first £5,000 we have started our first puppy in training.

Georgie:Georgie is a beautiful young male Labrador who, with his puppy parent’s help, is starting to explore life.

Fundraising needed
Can you help us raise more funds so we can train more puppies? We are looking for volunteers who can help us organise large and small fund raising events and activities.

Perhaps you can help us apply for grants or help with publicity, or manage our ‘adopt a puppy’ scheme? Alternatively, perhaps you can raise some funds for us by washing some cars, making cupcakes, or doing a sponsored parachute jump?

Please get in touch if you are able to give us a little of your time.

If you would like to be a puppy parent, or would like to apply for one of our dogs, please contact Carol on 078 126 72702 or [email protected]