The council paper that is apparently at the centre of a row resulting in four councillors leaving the Independent Group will be scrutinised tomorrow from 6pm.
Whether the call-in will delay work going on behind the scenes to prepare reports due to go to the October Executive for both Undercliff Drive and Totland Seawall is not yet known. We've asked and are awaiting a response.
There's been a lot of speculation as to what has and hasn't happened over Cllr Charles Chapman's resignation from the Island Independents. OnTheWight has brought together all of the actual emails and has discovered Cllr Chapman's view on joining the Conservatives.
Five councillors, led by the chair of the Scrutiny Committee, say the decision to make changes to the Dogs on Leads Order and the process by which it was taken, "has serious reputational and legal risks for the Council".
Town councillors are angry the 'flawed' calculations on proposed foot passenger income have been brushed aside by the Isle of Wight Executive and local a business urges the council to “Stop making us cash cows for the whole Island”.
Should there be an inquiry into the many apparent mistakes of the conception, planning and building of Cowes Enterprise college? Cllr Priest doesn't think so.