Previously unseen seven page document from within the Isle of Wight Conservative Association continues detailed criticism of MP Andrew Turner over his expenses. Carole Dennett's role questioned.
With three highly critical national news articles, letters calling for him to go from four former Chairs of the IWCA, as well as strong local coverage, can Andrew Turner still remain as the Conservative candidate for the 2015 election?
Many national newspaper articles have labelled Andrew Turner as 'weak' - now paperwork for the IW Conservative Association is saying they have no confidence in him and he must step down as the candidate.
Trustees and past Chairs of the IWCA say the Association is irrevocably split, with more and more members seeing Andrew Turner as a liability in the forthcoming campaign.
A general rule in life is, if you don't want others to know, don't discuss it in public. Certainly don't do it loudly on a busy train heading back to where you live.