The Isle of Wight media scene is very vibrant, which may be a surprise for many.
Here’s where you will find all of the articles that News OnTheWight has published about the various strands of the Island media, or where the Isle of Wight has featured in TV or films.
·5 min read
Which pages appear in the council's One Island magazine because they've paid to be there - and how many not? It's quite surprising.
·3 min read
Here's a breakdown of the costs of printing & distributing One Island over the last three months.
·1 min read
Wendy struggles with a crossword clue, but the penny finally drops
·1 min read
Love this kind of home-made project.
·1 min read
Problem with the chain cited.
·1 min read
From memory, we think this is the first time an Island DJ has featured there. Big up the Isle of Wight!