The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.
Below are articles mentioning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
The Isle of Wight Director of Public Health says that with both the flu virus and Covid-19 circulating, flu immunisation is more important than ever to reduce infections, protect each other and save lives
St Mary's say they are doing every possible to help increase capacity in the operating theatres to help reduce the waiting lists, but some patients may have to wait over a year for surgery
Funding has been applied for by the Isle of Wight NHS Trust to carry out an action plan aimed at reducing the backlog of treatments at St Mary's Hospital. Details within
The Associate Practitioners for Dementia is a team of two who will have an oversight of the day to day care of patients living with dementia on the wards
One donor can save or transform up to nine lives and 82% of the population definitely want to donate or would consider donating their organs, but only 35% of people across the UK have joined the NHS Organ Donor Register
Heads of the Isle of Wight council, NHS Trust and CCG have sent this letter of thanks and recognition for our coverage during the Coronavirus pandemic. Thank you for thanking us
The Island’s support for Wight Proms at Home is vital. Buying tickets will help secure the future of Wight Proms and support artistes who have lost most of their performing work this year due to the impact of Coronavirus
The Group welcomes Deputy Head of Podiatry services on the Island, Stephen Taylor, who will share his expert knowledge on footcare, vital for those with diabetes