The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.
Below are articles mentioning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
The Community Mental Health Team have been thanked for their hard work, after the CQC inspectors found several improvements in the service following a recent inspection
Well done to all those involved in the delivery of the 111 service which the CQC found to be 'Good'. The Urgent Care Service was responsive and staff caring but CQC felt safety and leadership 'Requires Improvement'.
This film lifts the lid on what lies behind the NHS crisis, hears from doctors about the Americanisation of the NHS and gives a forthright and candid explanation about the marketisation and privatisation of the NHS.
Local politicians urge Islanders to take part in the consultation "which begins tomorrow" and to take part in Saturday's march - from the hospital into Newport - fighting to protect health services on the Isle of Wight
January saw 3,810 cases of Covid-19 on the Isle of Wight, with 277 Covid patients in hospital and 66 deaths. The NHS Trust boss said it was her most challenging month in 39 years of healthcare
“Spades will be hitting the ground,” for a new Isle of Wight hospital claimed Fareham’s Conservative candidate, live on TV this lunchtime. Reaction of the IW Conservatives has been less definitive
The CEO of the Isle of Wight NHS says they have not been affected in a large way at the moment, but are preparing for whatever comes their way in the coming weeks