Tourism on the Isle of Wight is expected to recover in 2023, with an increase in overnight visits from domestic tourists and a successful ad campaign generating 68.5 million views and 84,635 website clicks
Visitors to Havenstreet and the Isle of Wight Steam Railway will now have further opportunity to update themselves with information about the local area and the Isle of Wight.
Following a deferment in November, the judge has now delivered the sentencing on the woman who stole £34k from Visit Isle of Wight. The head of VIoW speaks.
Visit Isle of Wight launch Romantic Breaks and Spring Escapes campaigns, designed to attract couples and families to the most romantic Island in the British Isles.
After five years in the job, David Thornton has decided it's time to move on from his role as the head of Visit Isle of Wight. We hope his replacement is just as dynamic.
Although traditional coach visitor and scheduled tours have declined across the UK in recent years, private hire trips, organised by groups and companies are increasing and have a higher spend per head.