Following sightings of the Brown-tail moth caterpillars in Venntor, the council have treated public sites such as the paddling pool in Ventnor to remove the creatures, whose hairs can break off as barbs, causing skin irritation.
There are just two weeks left of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust’s crowdfunding campaign to protect the Solent’s wildlife and natural heritage.
Not specifically Isle of Wight related, but given our MP, Bob Seely's interest in wildlife, perhaps he'll become species champion for the Isle of Wight butterfly, the Glanville fritillary.
Last year was the fourth worst on record for butterflies and Sir David Attenborough is urging people on the Isle of Wight to take part in the Big Butterfly Count survey between now and 6th August.
We're all delighted when we see wild animals like Dolphins in the sea but the DBMRL (who rescue wild sea mammals) say please resist swimming with them - there can be many unintended consequences for them and the Humans.
Migrating birds that are disturbed when feeding can mean they don't enough energy to survive the winter and fly back to breed at their summer habitats.
A campaign to recruit 5,000 volunteers across the country has been launched. They'll be asked to help monitor and halt the spread of grey squirrels, and, as The Guardian puts it, “bludgeon grey squirrels to death”.
The study found that butterflies in urban areas emerged on average two days earlier than their countryside counterparts, with urban Brimstones emerging five days earlier than those found in rural locations.