AJ Wells Selected For Best Of British Manufacturing Showcase

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It’s great to hear that Isle of Wight company AJ Wells have been chosen to take part in the Science Museum’s “Make it in Great Britain” exhibition.

Make It In Great Britain Logo:Alongside the likes of McLaren, Rolls-Royce and The Royal Mint, AJ Wells have been selected to take part in the national exhibition, showcasing the very best of British manufacturing.

The exhibition, featuring 40 companies, takes place at the Science Museum during the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.

Family-run business
The privately owned company, based in Newport, was formed in 1972 and specialises in the design and manufacture of high quality stoves; manufactures vitreous enamel products and imports fair trade tiles and pumice chimney.

Well done to the chaps at AJ Wells, you’ll be flying the flag for the Island as well as British manufacturing.

Thanks to VB reader Laurence for the heads up