Montage of Anna

Appeal to help young Islander battling the odds to achieve her dream of becoming an actress

22-year-old Anna from the Isle of Wight (pictured above) loves performing, and her dream is to become an actress.

Anna was born with Noonan Syndrome, a genetic condition that can cause a wide range of distinctive features and health problems. However, that’s not all Anna has had to contend with for the last 22 years. She also suffers with chronic pain, has autism and learning disabilities, as well as epilepsy, bladder and bowel problems.

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Opportunities for those with her disabilities are limited, so she was all the more excited when she recently went with her Mum (who is Anna’s full-time carer) to London to audition for a place on the Performance Making course at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Anna managed to impress the panel with her enthusiasm and was offered a place at the School.

Nationwide appeal for help
Anna’s sister, Shelly, has been in touch with an appeal not only for the Isle of Wight, but, she hopes, the nation.

Shelly explains,

“The problem is that my Mum and Sister live on the Isle of Wight and my Mum would need to travel with her, two days a week, to London and back. My mum just cannot afford it.

“So I would like to ask the nation for a little bit of help, support and send us any luck they can.”

Show your support
If you would like to support the appeal, you can show your support by popping over to the GoFundMe Page where you can make a donation.

At time of publishing the total had reached £973 of the £5,000 target.