sos superhero

‘Arms around our Schools’: National day of action next week

Catherine shares details of this upcoming event as part of the ongoing Save Our Schools campaign. Ed

Save our Schools UK are having a national day of action on Wednesday 4th October 2017 called ‘Arms around our Schools’ and Isle of Wight residents are invited to take part.

The action is simple – teachers, parents, school support staff and children are to come together at the end of the school day outside the main gates of their school and link arms.

Demand reversal of funding cuts
‘Arms around our Schools’ is about showing love for our schools and teachers and to demand a reversal of the ongoing funding cuts to schools.

Children, parents and teachers in superhero/heroine outfits are especially welcome.

If you take part, don’t forget to grab photos and send to Justine Greening and Philip Hammond at [email protected] with the tagline ‘Arms Around Our Schools’. To get the most exposure also post your photos and videos on social media.

The Save Our Schools campaign
SOS Isle of Wight are part of the national Save Our Schools campaign, a parent-led campaign that began in Brighton & Hove and is campaigning against the massive funding cuts to education.

Isle of Wight Schools face a £3.4 million cut in funding by 2020 (Source: School Cuts).

We believe every child has the right to the very best education that the country can offer, and we’re not prepared to stand by as our state schools are consigned to death by 1,000s of cuts.

Damaging changes to children’s education
Heads and teachers have been protesting these cuts, and all the other damaging changes to our children’s education for a long time, but have been beaten down time and again by a never-ending stream of education policy changes, new demands and u-turns.

Now it’s our turn to support our children, our schools, our teachers and our head teachers- we are uniquely positioned as a powerful group of people who all care about the same thing – the best education possible for our children.

Find out more by visiting the Save Our Schools Website or Like and Follow their Facebook Page.

Article edit:
Total figure of cuts amended from £5.5m to £3.4 million following advice from Isle of Wight Branch Secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers.

Image: © Catherine and Stu Fisher