Windy wind storms lego man:

Atlantic storms on their way later this week

Later this week, most of the UK can expect to be battered by strong winds and gales as two Atlantic storms reach this part of the globe.

The Met Office warn that northern parts of the UK will be the worst hit, although winds will be less strong in southern areas.

Frank Saunders, Chief Meteorologist at the Met Office, said:

“The jet stream is going to be particularly strong later this week and this effectively fuels the low pressure systems moving across the Atlantic, causing them to deepen rapidly as they pass to the north of the UK.

“This will bring some very strong winds across the UK, but they will most likely be strongest in northern Scotland – which is expected to see the greatest impacts from the weather. This is likely to cause disruption in places and people should stay up to date with our forecasts and warnings to get the latest information as we move closer to the end of the week.”

Image: pahudson under CC BY 2.0