John Cheverton will be thanked by the Bishop of Portsmouth this Sunday for his mammoth 63 years as Parochial Church Council (PCC) secretary at St Peter’s Church, Seaview, and 54 years as the church’s organist.
The Ven Peter Sutton, who has been the most senior Church of England priest on the Island for the last six years, will take up his new role in September.
An eight week feasibility study to see if a joint Anglican/Catholic trust could be created on Isle of Wight has been agreed to by The Church of England and Catholic Bishops of Portsmouth.
Ofsted have placed the school in Special Measures, so the Church of England’s Portsmouth and Winchester Diocesan Academy Trust (PWDAT) has offered to sponsor the school.
"Wonderful that you over there will soon have women bishops. Yippee! I know you have pushed for this for a long time. Yippee again!" Archbishop Desmond Tutu tells the Bishop of Portsmouth.
The Anglican Bishop of Portsmouth today (July 14) welcomed the historic vote that will allow the first women to become bishops in the Church of England.