Bembridge rnli Alfred Albert Williams

Bembridge RNLI come to aid of French yacht entangled in fishing nets

Thanks to John for this latest report from Bembridge RNLI. Ed

Following a 999 call to Solent Coastguard on Wednesday morning (2 July), the Bembridge RNLI Tamar lifeboat – Alfred Albert Williams – was launched at 08.20 to assist a French yacht now at anchor on the Brighstone side of St Catherine’s point south of the Island.

On a beautiful morning, the lifeboat made best speed to the 13m French yacht “La Tangente” with two people on board, arriving 12 miles away from the station in 30 minutes.

Rudder tangled in fishing net
The yacht on passage from Cherbourg to Eastbourne had tangled its rudder in a fishing net some 25 miles off the Island and with the limited steerage now available to the yacht, had made their way towards the nearest landfall.

Arriving on scene the lifeboat’s own smaller Y class lifeboat was launched with two crew, who were able to cut most the net free from the yacht and the net was subsequently pulled onto the stern of the yacht.

Towed to Portsmouth
Still having part of the net that could not be freed, a tow was set up from the Lifeboat and the yacht was slowed into Portsmouth harbour to the Haslar marina arriving at 12.20.

Having made the boat secure the lifeboat returned to Bembridge and was re-housed by 13.00

Image: © Bembridge RNLI