Bestival 2006 Review (9/10)

With the Islander tickets coming up for sale tomorrow, I thought I’d try and remind you why it’s such a brilliant event (it’s easy to forget … well, everything while you’re there).

Bestival 2006 Review (9/10)I was highly impressed with Bestival 2006. We missed it the previous year, due to having to be off the Island, and were kicking ourselves ever since – but 2006 made up for that.

There’s so much going on at Bestival that each and every person who goes, will have an experience that is unique to them. Here’s some of the best bits I came across as I floated through.

The Bays (Blue Pavilion tent) played an amazing set. Their hook, which I’m sure you’re aware of, is that they never record their music, only play live. Each track brimming with energy, stonking rhythms, pounding bass, topped off the two frantic keyboard players.

Bella the Cello (Wonderland tent). No prizes for guessing what she was playing, the innovation here was how she did. Using a foot controlled sampler, she looped sections of her performance to build layers of extraordinary power.

DJ Yoda. If you’ve heard him before, you’ll know what he can turn out. Witnessed tons of happiness in the crowd and a captivating buzz.

The vast majority of people were in fancy dress during most of Saturday, with so many putting in considerable efforts to get dressed up. Jollity abounds. Mostly they were highly amusing with a couple, deeply disturbing.

Bestival 2006 Review (9/10)

The mix of people is something to behold, as good friend Ali put it, “It’s ABSO to Tally Ho!”

I had to scratch around for these, as they were far and few between.

Can someone please tell me what all of the fuss about the Scissor Sisters is? Beyond their clearly well-known poppy single that they played near the end of the set, I thought the rest of it sounded like Elton John, going through his fallow period. My views didn’t seem to be held by the majority who filled the arena of the Main stage.

Mobile reception around the site was patchy, which lead to extended periods of being disconnected from loved ones.

Queues for drinks raised a few moans, but I don’t think I’ve been to an event that hasn’t had that gripe at one time or another.

Balloons were everywhere. I don’t think I’ve ever see so many.

Bestival 2006 Review (9/10)Summary
Hats, wigs’n’all off to Rob, Josie, John and Ziggy and the rest of the Bestival crew. They’ve done an amazing job to build from a standing start three years ago to an event that encompasses so much variety and brings happiness to so many people.

They deliver on the promise that The Big Chill once had.

It’s a truly extraordinary way to spend a few days. It’s got it all.

If you happen to know any idiots, and heaven knows sometimes you can’t avoid bumping in to them these days (we certainly have), do us all a favour and tell them Bestival is rubbish. We don’t want them to spoil the smiles and jollity.

The only question is, what’s going to happen in future years, as the word spreads ever wider and more people want to come along to play (especially after strong reviews in the Sun – “If you missed Bestival then more fool you”). It’s not clear that the Robin Hood site can take any more people, as it appears stretched to capacity already.

With the rumours circling that there’s “some headliners that you won’t believe,” it’s bound to be a killer event again this year.

Score 9/10
(only because 10/10 perfection is near impossible to attain)

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