Bestival 09 Photos: Friday

We’re organising our Bestival photos in a different way to Annie’s – we’re doing them by the day. Below are Friday’s shots.

Bestival 2009 Photos: FridayThe first photo should give you an indication as to the number of people that were there. It was taken just as the light was fading, travelling from the camp site through the main entrance.

The band on stage is MGMT and there are couple of shots of adoring fans prior to that.

You’ll get some idea of why many of the press photographers and some of the audience weren’t happy with the layout of the stage this year. The ‘pit’ where they take photos from was at a very sharp angle to the stage, due to its towering height, making it hard to get shots that felt personal or connected without a massive lens. Still, the lighting looks pretty cool.

The last few shots try to pass on the impression of being at Bestival on a Friday night, as things generally become more hazy.

To see larger versions of the pictures, simply click on the thumbnails below. Go through the work by clicking on the arrows. There are two pages of gallery photos and you can get to them by clicking the numbers at the bottom of the thumbnails.

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