cars parked on union street -

Big change to Union Street Ryde parking restrictions on the way

Local shops and businesses in Ryde look set to benefit from new parking arrangements in the heart of the town.

The Isle of Wight Council is introducing new regulations in Union Street designed to free-up valuable parking bays for both shoppers and visitors alike.

By providing a regular supply of parking spaces, the council hopes businesses in the area will see an economic boost from increased passing trade.

It had been identified that some motorists were using Union Street for long-term parking by moving their vehicle each hour to a different parking zone within the road.

Single parking zone
Under the new arrangements, which come into effect from 20th September 2019, a single parking zone will cover the full-length of Union Street meaning vehicles will have to leave after one hour and park elsewhere.

Councillor Ian Ward, Cabinet member for infrastructure and transport, said shoppers, visitors and local businesses would benefit from a regular turnover of convenient parking.

He said:

“Across the country, one of the reasons some town centres are struggling is the difficulty of parking.

“The new regulations, which apply seven days a week, will ensure there is a regular turnover of parking bays in Union Street and encourage people to shop local.”

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