Blake Samson in the woods -

Blake Samson returns to the saddle and boy, was it worth the wait! (video)

Here at OnTheWight we love celebrating talent.

The latest piece of mastery that has landed in our laps (thanks to Dan Morgan for the heads-up) is this video shot on the Isle of Wight by Nottingtham-based filmmaker Nico Turner of professional mountain biker Blake Samson.

This short film below, shot last year on the Island, features Blake coming out of his six month ban on riding due to a broken leg.

Nico says,

“Blake Samson is just one of those riders who oozes style, but 2014 was a tough year for him after breaking his leg. Being off the bike for over 6 months, he was able to give some serious thought to future projects.

“Stay tuned for a lot more from Blake in 2015.”

Sit back and watch in wonder at Blake’s great talent as well as the beautifully shot and edited footage.

Make sure you have HD selected and full screen the video to see best format.

Live To Ride – Blake Samsons Catalyst from Nico Turner on Vimeo.

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