BMX Boys Have A Lot Of Fun: This Saturday in Ryde

For those of you unfortunate enough to remember the 80s track, BMX Boys Have A Lot Of Fun, it’ll bring to mind the heady early days of BMX in the UK.

BMX Boys Have A Lot Of Fun: This Saturday“Of course, it will just be a fad,” was said widely. Guess that’s another prediction that’ll be chucked in to the bin of history.

To prove it’s very much alive, there’s going to be a display of BMX skills by Joe Sinclair from Bournemouth, doin’ ‘is ting in Ryde this Saturday.

Not only that, but by simply guessing the number of chocolate eggs in a cycle basket, you could win a Ruption Force BMX bike.

While they’ve got you down there, they’ll be taking the opportunity to explain the importance of cycle safety – providing advice and training on cycling skills, maintenance, security and head injury awareness.

Full details of the Cycling Skills and Safety Showcase event are over at OnTheWight.

Now … let’s have a little visual recap on how it all started, back in the day …

Image: [Adam_Baker] under CC BY 2.0

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