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Boost your health and environment: Walk, cycle or bus this Clean Air Day

Today (15th June) marks Clean Air Day – a day to highlight the actions we can all take to help cut down air pollution we cause.

If you are planning to drive somewhere, maybe consider using alternative transport, such as walking, cycling or taking a bus.

£2 fares
Southern Vectis have extended their £2 per (most) journey fares until the end of October.

50-70 people sharing a bus journey rather than 50+ cars on the road is clearly better for the environment and our air quality.

Many benefits
Walking or cycling not only results in zero pollution, but also helps keep you fit and healthy.

Improved air quality not only benefits the planet, but benefits your physical health as well as mental and brain health.

If you do drive
If you do need to drive, and of course there are many Islanders who rely on using their cars due to disability or rural living, then don’t idle at traffic lights or in traffic jams.

You might also want to consider joining a car club, or think about going electric.

Find out more
To find out what you can do to help improve our air quality, visit the Action for Clean Air Website, where you’ll find plenty of tips.