Budget Cuts: ‘Significant Reduction In Parks, Gardens And Toilets Maintained By Council (proposal)

The Royal Parks teamed up with the Isle of Wight last year. We wonder what they think about the impending budget cuts for the Parks and Countryside division.

Ventnor Super LooWe have just seen the full Isle of Wight council cut proposals which have just been outlined in preparation of the December Cabinet Meeting.

Here’s what they say about the ‘Public Realm’, which we would know as parks, gardens and public toilets …

Discussions will be held with town and parish councils, community groups as well as local businesses regarding the upkeep and maintenance of a number of parks, gardens and public toilets across the island.

A reduction in frequency of maintenance and a significant reduction in the number of parks, gardens and public conveniences maintained by the council could result in savings of £300,000 in 2011/12 and £450,000 in a full year (2012/13). (An immediate full year saving for 2011/12 of £200,000 on parks and gardens; and a £100,000 saving in 2011/12 on public conveniences, rising to £250,000 in a full year).

A consultation will be launched following a Cabinet Member delegated decision report as soon as is practical after the date of this meeting. Call in will be disapplied to this element of the report to allow the report on consultation to be considered as soon as possible. This consultation will inform a final decision in the new year.