Cafe Scientifique Talk: A plea for a science-based energy policy

The third meeting of Cafe Scientifique takes place tonight (Monday 12th November) at 7pm.

The speaker will be Dr John Yelland, an Island physicist and electrical engineer. Dr Yelland is another regular attender at our Café, and is very well qualified to talk about the science and engineering matters involved in wind energy. Are we using it effectively?

The title of his talk is “Are we Throwing Caution to the Wind?” (a plea for a science-based energy policy).

The Regency Suite is above the Conservative Club in Shanklin in Palmerston Road just off The High Street. The nearest car park is in Landguard Road and only two or three minutes walk to the Conservative Club. Parking is free after 6pm.

As we now have to pay a rent for the facilities, we will have to ask for a donation of at least £3 on the door (instead of passing the hat round) to make sure we cover all our expenses. i.e. the rent, cost of speakers’ travel expenses and a meal, plus overnight accommodation if needed.

Image: harlequin colors under CC BY 2.0

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