Call for council to use Island Roads PFI for environmental and social good

At tonight’s Isle of Wight full council meeting, members will be asked to consider and vote on a motion submitted by Cllr Bob Seely.

Bob SeelyThe councillor for Central Wight is calling for council officers to report on ‘best practice options’ in relation to using the highways PFI contract with Island Roads for ‘environmental and social good’.

He cites Devon council as an example of a local authority currently using best practise in this area.

Cllr Seeley’s motion reads,

To request that Council officers study and report back to Councillors on best practise options and ideas to enable the Isle of Wight to use the Island Roads PFI as an environmental and social good. In particular, for the IoW County Council to study best practise by county councils such as Devon in fields of:

  1. Improving visibility for road users;
  2. Verge-cutting policies to encourage wildflower growth;
  3. Potential cost savings;
  4. Litter collection on roads;
  5. Wildflower planting and special protection sites;
  6. Potential support from environmental charities and other organisations such as the Millennium Seedbank and the UK Native Seed Hub;
  7. Lighting, light pollution, Dark Sky awards and tourism benefits;
  8. Speed limits;
  9. ‘Quiet Roads’;
  10. Rural signage and road clutter;
  11. Hedge management and the impact of stewardship schemes on roadside management and localised flooding.

Members of the public are encouraged to attend the meeting which takes place at County Hall from 6pm.

Image: © Isle of Wight Council