Carol ann in her studio

All welcome to Open Studio 2018 with Isle of Wight artists Carol Ann and Guy Eades

‘Open Studios’ arrives in Sandown this coming week when the artists Carol Ann and Guy Eades are opening their home-based ‘Studio 10’ free to the public.

This is great chance to meet both the artists, Carol Ann and Guy, who’ll be there both weekends 14th-15th July and 21st–22nd July. Carol Ann will also open on weekdays between 15th-20th July. Open 10am – 5pm each day.

Their studio is near to Sandown seafront and Library and opposite the Burlington Hotel.

Carol Ann Eades
Carol Ann is showing her wide range of textile artworks. She specialises in natural dyeing techniques including Indigo and Rust together with Eco printing. These processes combine print and stitch before and after the dyeing process and are all on natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, wool and silk.

She uses Shibori dyeing and Sashiko stitching techniques to express her continually evolving ideas. Strongly influenced by travels in East Asia her inspiration combines with daily walks along the Isle of Wight coastline.

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Work by Carol Ann Eades

In 2017, she was Artist in Residence at Ventnor Botanic Garden and there developed her work with natural dyeing using some of the many varieties of Eucalyptus growing in the Gardens. You can see these at her Open Studio. This year she is taking part in Ryde Arts Festival as joint artist in residence to make a Textile artwork to hang in the Library using indigo and rust based on imagery from the recent census on the Isle of Wight.

Carol Ann has exhibited at Ventnor Botanic Gardens, Quay Arts, Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery, Salisbury Art Centre and shortlisted for both the Royal Academy Summer Shows in London and Bristol.

Guy Eades
Guy is showing his paintings in oil, watercolour and drawings in oil bar and pastel.

Many of his artworks start with ideas inspired by flowers and plants, land and seascapes from which he then develops a motif for an original image.

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Work by Guy Eades

With Carol Ann, he was joint Artist in Residence at Ventnor Botanic Garden in 2107 and you will be able to see the large artworks he painted there in preparation for the commission that now hangs in their Echium Room.

As well as Carol Ann demonstrating how her textile works are made, many of the artworks by Guy and Carol Ann are for sale.

Where and when
Carol and Guy open their studio at Studio 10, 10 Avenue Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 8BN between 10am – 5pm on 14th – 15th July and 21st – 22nd July.

Carol Ann will also be opening the studio on weekdays 15th – 20th July (between 10am – 5pm).

Our thanks to Carl Ann and Guy Eades for sponsoring this feature. They and other organisations taking paid promotion enables you to continue reading OnTheWight for free