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Changes to on-road parking in seven areas on the Isle of Wight: Have your say

The next phase in an Island-wide review of traffic regulations has been announced today (Friday).

The Isle of Wight Council is publishing proposed minor changes to on-road parking in Ryde, Fishbourne, Brading, Bembridge, St Helens, Wootton and Seaview and as well as being able to make comments by the usual letter or email, residents will now be able to do so online on the local authority’s Website.

Agreed with Police
The plans were drawn up and agreed with the police before consultation took place with town and parish councils as well as local councillors at the end of 2021.

The original designs were amended to reflect the feedback given where possible, and now a formal consultation is to be launched in the area before any decisions are taken.

The Eastern neighbourhoods that form part of the current consultation are the second phase of a six part Island wide review of local traffic regulations.

Rowland: Most of the changes proposed are very minor
Colin Rowland, Isle of Wight Council’s director of neighbourhoods, said,

“These changes are intended to make the roads in this area safer and easier for everyone to use.

“Most of the changes proposed are very minor, but we recognise a small change can sometimes make a big difference to local people’s lives.

“This time we are able to offer the local community the facility of commenting digitally on their phone or computer, alongside the usual methods of writing or emailing the council.

“The online forms will be open to feedback on the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders from tomorrow, so people in Ryde, Fishbourne, Brading, Bembridge, St Helens, Wootton and Seaview can take a look at the proposals and submit their views by 29th July 2022.”

Share your views
Signs with details of proposed changes will be displayed in every street affected, for example attached to lamp-posts, and there will also be notices published in the local press and via the Website.

It is also possible to obtain a copy of the changes by emailing [email protected]. This is also the email address to send any comments on the proposals.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed