Cheetah Marine Seafront Planning Application

The closing date for the planning application for a boat building factory in the eastern esplanade car park is this Friday, 27th October.

As I write this post, there are only 22 comments on the Council website. I’m pretty surprised to see so few, given the level of objection in the past and the strong feelings expressed on the forum regarding the eastern esplanade earlier in the year.

Dennis Russell on behalf of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) has submitted their objection, which he’s copied onto the forum. It is very long, but makes for interesting reading.

I would recommend reading it if you are planning to submit an objection as it is extremely informative.

According to Dennis, at the time of the land being leased to Cheetah Marine (£100,000 for a 125 year lease with the option to BUY the land after five years – if they get planning permission), our old mate, Mr Fitzgerald-Bond was wholly in favour, and couldn’t see anything wrong in giving the freehold of our esplanade to Cheetah Marine on favourable terms.

In addition, apparently when the last Cheetah Marine application was filed, it was advertised on Christmas Eve and the planning office promptly closed down for 10 days. Therefore only those with Internet access could get at the papers, and moreover no planning letters were put on the Website during this period.

Pretty underhand tactics as far as I’m concerned. But that’s just my opinion, make up your own minds once you read the CPRE objection.

“Ventnor … the prettiest place I ever saw in my life” Charles Dickens.