Commuting’s Dirty Secret

One of the great things about living on the Wight is a lack of a crushing commute that you often have to do in major cities.

Depending on which city you’re in; what time of day you travel and what form of transport you use, the level of discomfort changes accordingly.

Twenty past eight in the morning on the Tube in London on a rainy day, or conversely a very hot day, are about the worst you can get – squashed up against others as you suffer the five stops before you can extract yourself. As many have said before, cattle are treated better.

Those using public transport in cities, in particular Newcastle, will be thinking twice about this activity after reading research published today (Faecal bacteria join the commute).

News like this is pretty appropriate on United Nations’ first Global Handwashing Day.

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Thanks to Suw for the pointing Tweet on this.