The coming Monday sees the Planning Committee gather to determine the application for a wind turbine at Betty Haunt Lane, Newport (see planning application).
Conditional permission has been recommended by officers for the proposed wind turbine. The application has attracted over 350 letters from third parties. The report states that of this total, 322 state an objection to the application whilst six are in support of the proposal.
Public meeting
Residents are invited to attend the meeting which starts at 6pm at County Hall (Monday 7th January 2013), where 15 minutes will be allocated at the beginning of the meeting for public questions.
The summary presented to members of the committee states:
It is recommended that for all matters, apart from noise, Members accept the case for
granting conditional planning permission for this planning application, subject to the
applicant entering into a legal agreement to secure the decommissioning of the turbine
and the restoration of the site, to include a bond. The applicant is requested to
undertake a further noise assessment, which would then be reported back to Members
for consideration at a future meeting of the Planning Sub-Committee. If Members are
minded to refuse the planning application on other material planning grounds then
adverse noise impact is included as a reason for refusal.
The full report is embedded below for your convenience