View of Cowes Enterprise College just after it opened

Cowes Enterprise College taking part in mental health pilot to help support pupils

Cowes Enterprise College, sponsored by Ormiston Academies Trust, are delighted to have been chosen to host Educational Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs) to support the mental health and wellbeing of its students.

The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) is a newly established service which offers evidenced based interventions in the treatment of mild to moderate mental health conditions.

Pilot year working in eight schools
The MHST on the Isle of Wight is a multi-agency collaborative formed of the Isle of Wight Youth Trust, Barnardo’s and the Isle of Wight NHS Trust. They are currently in their pilot year of service development and initially working in only eight schools.

Cowes Enterprise College has always put the mental health and wellbeing of students and staff at the heart of its ethos. By offering this additional service, the academy further strengthens its already supportive safeguarding and inclusion teams.

The EMHPs have begun their work with students being offered ‘low intensity cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based interventions’, which offer a toolkit of support to address many common, developing or emerging mental health conditions.

Promoting resilience and a positive mental health and wellbeing
Vice Principal, Jemma Harding, said,

“We are very excited about this next layer of provision we are able to offer here at the academy for our children. We are committed to promoting resilience and a positive mental health and wellbeing for both students and staff. Being happy and healthy is the first step to being successful.

“Cowes Enterprise College places well-being at the heart of our academy and we ensure that our packages of excellent support and intervention are bespoke through a thorough understanding of individual needs.”

News shared by Luke on behalf of Cowes Enterprise College. Ed