Cowes Youth Centre: Approval sought for UKSA ‘Special Purchaser’ status


Following the reorganisation of the Youth Service, another Delegated Decision report out today calls for approval to treat UKSA as a Special Purchaser for the former Cowes Youth Centre.

The report states that …

UKSA has plans, in conjunction with IYWAC, to combine the youth centre land and buildings with its sailing academy premises in order to expand the onsite residential accommodation (strictly used in support of training); expand the number of students that it can teach; enable IYWAC to relocate into part of the youth centre building to create modern shower and changing facilities and office space, whilst demolishing the existing IYWAC building to create further boat storage and parking areas.

Cllr George Brown is asked …

(1) To agree to UKSA being treated as a special purchaser for the freehold of Cowes youth centre, the IYWAC building and the assignment for the lease of Whitegates Pontoon, with the transfer being conditional upon a new lease being simultaneously completed between UKSA and IYWAC

(3) The terms of any disposal of Cowes youth centre, the IYWAC building and the assignment for the lease of Whitegates Pontoon be consistent with the outcomes listed in paragraph 31 of the report.

Full details are in the document embedded below for your convenience.

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