West Wight Middle School

Spectrum Premier Homes Ltd offer £825,000 for West Wight Middle

Following the council’s decision back in December to treat Spectrum Premier Homes Ltd as a Special Purchaser for the sale of West Wight Middle School, a further delegated decision report has been released today.

Cllr George Brown will be asked …

To approve the disposal of the council’s freehold interest in the former West Wight Middle School, Queens Road, Freshwater.

The outcome will be the best possible capital receipt from this disposal towards the
funding of the capital investment element of the school reorganisation programme, as set out in the approved cabinet decision ref. 76/07 “Schools Reorganisation – Outcome of January/February Consultation”, and in accordance with the current strategic asset management plan, it will also deliver a higher than required percentage of affordable housing – 69 per cent.

There will be some consideration over possible payment to the parish council for Rights of Way on parish council land. All the details are in the documents embedded before for your convenience.