Prospective candidates at the Brading Church Hustings

Critical local issues debated at East Wight election hustings hosted by the churches (updated)

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News shared by Andrew on behalf of East Wight churches. Ed

St Mary-the-Virgin Church, Brading, was packed for a hustings event on Monday 17th June, hosted by churches in the East Wight.

Tickets had gone steadily, and around 180 people attended to hear the views of the six candidates for the new constituency.

The event was ably chaired by the Archdeacon of the Island, the Ven Steve Daughtery, and a very positive spirit prevailed.

A range of issues covered
Questions put by members of the audience covered the shortage of affordable housing, child poverty, the care sector, the dumping of raw sewage, and mainland travel for crucial hospital appointments.

Candidates were also asked why they wanted to be an MP, and how they understood the ‘common good’.

Opening and closing statements
After a prayer, the meeting opened with short statements by each of the candidates, and there was regular applause for each candidate throughout the evening.

Each candidate also made a short statement at the close.

Exit poll
In an informal exit poll, 121 of those attending indicated how they would vote in the general election, based on the candidates’ performances that evening.

Two frontrunners emerged, with Conservative Party candidate, Joe Robertson, and Vix Lowthion of the Green Party, receiving 43 and 41 votes respectively.

One of the organisers from St Mary’s, Joan Solomon, said,

“The atmosphere was both friendly and respectful, and we were delighted to host this event on behalf of our community.”

Article edit
8am 25th Jun 2024 – headline image added to body of article