Crowd Expert Offers Help For The Festival ‘Big Exit’

During all of the Isle of Wight Festival palaver on Thursday VentnorBlog was contacted by Justine Mackinnon, asking if we could connect her to the right people at the council and the Festival.

crowdmap:We were more than happy to, as soon as Justine told us that she has extensive experience in Emergency Planning and Disaster Preparedness and Recovery – exactly the sort of skills that’ll be needed when Festival goers decide to pack their tents down and leave the Island.

She’d been moved by seeing what was happening in her neighbourhood and wanted to help out.

Early planning necessary
Her suggestion was – start planning now, to make it a smooth as possible.

VB sent her contact details off and received thanks from both John Giddings and Cllr George Brown at the council.

We’ll catch up with her after all of the rush of tomorrow has calmed down and the dust has settled.

Assistance Crowd Map
Justine very quickly set up a Crowd Map which contains details of help offered by the community; help required; where parking is available; which roads are blocked and more.

It’s a really useful tool for all those at the festival, as well as Islanders wanting to know the situation with roads, transport etc.

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