White Tailed Eagle on the Isle of Wight

Culver, the White-Tailed Eagle, now home from trip to Essex (updated)

Earlier in the week you may have seen the news that one of the juvenile White-Tailed Eagles, recently released on the Isle of Wight had been tracked flying north to Essex, passing Westminster on the way.

G3 22 – aka Culver – has been fitted with a transmitter allowing Roy Dennis from the Wildlife Foundation to keep track of its movements.

Record of Culver's flight

After its jaunt to Essex, the male Eagle appears to have missed the Isle of Wight and has been making his way back.

Last night (Wednesday) he was recorded as being at Thorney Island, a few kilometres east of Portsmouth.

Update: He’s back!
On Thursday 5th September, Culver returned to the Island, his flight path passing over Culver Down before he returned to the exact same spot he left eight days before.

Track the flight and height
The transmitter provides amazing detail for those following Culver’s journey, as well as tracking the path of the Eagle, it also records the height it’s flying at.

Record of Culver's flight

See Roy’s brilliantly informative blog to stay up to date with Culver’s journey. Hopefully we’ll hear more about the other five White-Tailed Eagles that were released on the Isle of Wight last month.

Image: © Ainsley Bennett Photography – shows G2 74 – not the bird that flew to Essex, but another released on the Island.