Portrait of two women, one white, one of colour
© Dave Shrimpton

Dimbola Museum hosts ‘Searching for Alice’ – an exhibition by Portrait of Britain winner Dave Shrimpton

Dimbola Museum and Galleries welcomes Portrait of Britain Winner Dave Shrimpton to its galleries. Dave is a wet plate collodion photographer who uses vintage cameras to produce his art.

He cites the work of Julia Maragret Cameron as his inspiration and says that upon viewing his first Cameron exhibition his “world changed for ever”.

“Searching for Alice”
This exhibition is entitled “Searching for Alice” and uses the image of Alice Liddle, photographed by, and friend of, Julia Margaret Cameron, as its point of departure.

Being drawn into the world of Mrs Cameron through his own Muse, Catarina Correia, Dave’s work seeks to explore the results of the often unpredictable and unique wet collodion process.

He is thrilled to be displaying such a large body of his work in one place with many images not previously seen by a public audience.

Photographing the staff
Dave will further follow in the creative footsteps of Mrs Cameron by photographing the current museum staff. The sitters for many of her iconic photographs are actually servants within the household staff at Dimbola.

These priceless wet plates taken by Dave will form a further element to this already exciting and dynamic exhibition.

Where and when
The exhibition runs from Saturday 5th October 2024 until the New Year, at Dimbola Museum and Galleries, Gate Lane, Freshwater.

See the Dimbola website for more information.

News shared by Kelly on behalf of Dimbola Museum and Galleries. Ed