Due to the heavy fog on the Solent there are a number of disruptions today, so best to call the relevant companies prior to travel to check timetables.
Red Jets have been running late all morning, with the 10:15 from West Cowes been cancelled, but hope to resume to normal timetable shortly. You can call Red Funnel on 0844 844 9988 for more info.
Unrelated to the fog, but worth noting are some cancellations on the FastCat for today and tomorrow
Sailings from Portsmouth Harbour 05:40; 12:40; 13:40 and 14:40 and from Ryde Pier; 13:10; 14:10 and 15:10
You can call Wightlink on call on 0871 376 1000 for more info.
Image: Tim in Ohio under CC BY 2.0