Working together, staff at the Trust and Isle of Wight College, were challenged to design a Christmas tree to represent equality and diversity – ‘Diversitree’.
The competition was held this week at St Mary’s Hospital and was organised by Hazel Pither, Operational Lead for Equality and Diversity at the Trust and Rosie Barnard, Equality and Diversity Manager at IW College.
The trees were judged on their innovation and in aligning to the theme of equality and diversity.
The winners
The overall winner was the ‘Inyourendo – Vive la difference’ tree, created by the Endoscopy Department at St Mary’s.
Second place went to ‘Going around in circles’ by staff at Laidlaw, with third being awarded to the ‘Intergenerational’ tree, a joint effort between Afton Ward and pupils at Lanesend Primary School.
The judges
Thank you to the judges, Rob da Bank, Maggie Oldham, Trust Chief Executive, Jay Chappell, Unison IW Health Branch Secretary, Vicky Goode, Unison IW Health Branch Chair, Debbie Lavin, IW College Principal and Roland White, IW College Assistant Principal.
Hazel Pither said:
“Thank you to everyone that was involved in the competition and particularly to our Isle of Wight College colleagues, who were a pleasure to work alongside.
“This competition is a great tribute in supporting and raising awareness of equality and diversity issues, as well as providing much delight for our patients and visitors to the hospital.”
The trees are on display at the Full Circle Restaurant, St Mary’s Hospital until 19th December.