Blue Klein powder

Find out more about the use of blue in art this Thursday

This Thursday (19th June) evening the Vectis Decorative and Fine Arts Society Lecture present their last lecture of the season at Medina Theatre.

Alexandra Drysdale will be addressing some of the following questions from 8pm.

Have you ever wondered where the Blue in medieval illuminated manuscripts came from, or how the glaziers of our Gothic cathedrals made their blue glass?

The Ancient Britons tattooed their bodies in a blue dye, and, two thousand years later in a Parisian art gallery Yves Klein in a public performance painted his nude models blue and dragged them across his canvasses.

Why doesn’t the Virgin Mary wear green, and why is Krishna painted blue?

Where and when
Doors at Medina Theatre, Newport open at 7.15pm. Tea, coffee and bar are available before the lectures which begin at 8pm.

We ask you to be seated by 7.55pm. The lecture will finish at approximately 9.15-9.30pm

Guests are welcome at a cost of £7 and £2 for students.

Image: m-louis under CC BY 2.0