Binnel, Orchid House and Bunker

Don’t miss the Summer Exhibitions at Binnel Studios, Orchid House and The Bunker Gallery

This bank holiday weekend sees three venues in St Lawrence open their doors to the public to showcase the latest work of ten artists.

Binnel Studios
Head to Old Park Road, St Lawrence (PO38 1XR) where you’ll find Binnel Studios, home to studios for Molly Attrill, Matthew Chambers, Jane Cox, Sue Paraskeva, Sadie Tierney, Amanda Wheeler and Celia Wilkinson.

You can read more over on our extended feature.

Montage of work by all eight artists
A selection of work by the artists

Orchid House Studio
Just before you reach Binnel, you’ll come across the studio of renowned Isle of Wight artist David Firmstone.

David will be welcoming art-lovers to his studio at Orchid House (on the right hand side of the road).

David Firmstone at work )
David Firmstone

The Bunker Gallery
However, before you reach either of those venues, you’ll have to pass The Bunker Gallery (on the left hand side of the road).

The Bunker Gallery will be playing host to work by London-based artist, Jonathan Parsons, whilst award-winning Isle of Wight artist, Lisa Traxler, opens her studio to the public on the same site. 

Find out more about both artists and The Bunker Gallery on our extended feature.

Mixed images from the Bunker Gallery summer exhibition
Work by Lisa Traxler and Jonathan Parsons

Where and when
The Bunker Gallery, Orchid House Studio and Binnel Studios can be found on Old Park Road, St Lawrence PO38 1XR.

The Bunker Gallery is open between 11am – 4pm on Friday 26th to Monday 29th August 2022. Free entrance and parking is available in St Lawrence Village.

Binnel Studios and Orchid House Studio are open between 11am – 4pm on Saturday 27th, Sunday 28th and Monday 29th August 2022.

There’s a car park on the left just before you reach the Studios. Park here also for Orchard House Studio and walk back along the road.

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